Monday, September 22, 2008
First Day of School Digi Pages
Here are some Digipages that I did with the first day of school pics. They were for Elemental Scraps Challenges during Sept. 1-15th. :)
Labels: digipages
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Homework Again!?!?
Well...after talking with some of you I decided to "blog" this and maybe I can recall it later.
So Homework...Jaxon is so very creative and independent. I have been watching his homework to make sure he follows directions. Anyway he was coloring and in the first row, 1 bear red, in the second row, 3 bears blue, and in the third row, 5 bears green, and at the bottom he was to color the bear the color of the most. Anyway, I was nervous because you just can't erase crayon and Jaxon has an imagination. So I explained the first question and when he was done he let me know, I went to the next question, then I let him color for a few minutes. When I went to check on him, he'd finished his homework. I asked him all of the questions to see if he understood what he was doing and because the bear at the bottom was also green, that made 6 green bears. So he had drawn and colored an extra bear on the 5 bear line. and changed the 5 to a 6. I was thrilled his imagination stayed close to what the directions had said. AMAZING!!!
So then yesterday, Jaxon was supposed to color all the rectangles. He had done all but one horizontal rectangle that was very long and thin. I asked Jaxon to tell me what all the other shapes were and when we got to the long, thin rectangle Jaxon told me it was a frying pan. We talked about the shape and the sides and what makes a rectangle. He was very persistant the shape was not a rectangle but a frying pan. He explained to me what style of frying pan (side view) and he even drew a handle on the rectangle to make it look like a frying pan. So, I got out my "rectangle shaped" frying pan and we talked some more. He agreed that the Pan was a rectangle, but the shape on the paper was not. After some more discussion Jaxon decided the shape was a "flat tire" then after a while, something that was very squished but not a rectangle. I finally told him it is a rectangle and he said "it's not a rectangle, it's a squished one." and although I hate to do this, I told him to color the shape in question.
Well....I think we talked about things in the right way, and I am conviced that Jaxon's perception and point a view is NOT wrong. I began to worry what he was like at school and I talked to my mom and I finally talked with his teacher. She assured me he was very good in school and pretty funny. He gets them laughing everyday. Yesterday he told his teachers, "Boo sends me over the wall everyday." Anyway, She gave me some good word choices to talk with Jaxon about following directions and letting his teacher knows he understands and there are times to be creative and for example, he can always draw frying pans on the back. :) She also said if there is a mistake on the homework, the aide will pull the kids aside and have them redo it. Talk about a paranoid parent! It's just amazing the things you learn in Kindergarten. Well, at least I will remember this for Jaxon in the future.
Labels: Jaxon
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ok...well on July 3rd, Josh brought home some kitchen cabinets he thought could be used for some extra storage. Well as he puts it, he brought them home and I said, "I like these, can you put them in right now." And although I did actually say that, and meant it, can you blame me? He had 3 full days off work to put them in (like that ever happens), so his timing was perfect. And YES Josh did put them in. Thankfully Mandy and Nick came down on Saturday and helped us do the top ones. They are heavy!!! This was a FIRST for Josh and he did a great job recustomizing custom cabinets to fit in our house.
Here are the cupboards...notice the crown molding. We have also put in new countertops and Josh painted, I will have to take more pictures. We also have an appliance garage (Thanks Nick) and a spice cupboard. Also, a Lazy Suzann in the top and bottom corner cabinets (WAHOO!!!!) The bottom cupboards have the pull out shelves...and well I am sure many of you have this luxury, but we have lived here for 9 years and it is a Big change not having to crawl inside the cupboards to find stuff. IT's so NICE!!!! As if you can't tell I LOVE IT!!!! oh...I will stop rambling, most of you have probably already scrolled down. :)
Blog Work
Hello...well here are some visual updates to my blog, but HELLO...really it shouldn't be this hard.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
This is Catwoman, Batman, Joker. They are "supposed" to be gingerbread men. Jaxon is very creative. He had drawn a cape and mask, ears and tools, and other things with a pencil to make these his own. Then he colored them. Well, I guess it's kind of silly to post homework, but I am continually in "AWE" of what a child's mind can do. I guess everyone feels this way. :) But I am showing off....mostly for Grama and Nana. Loves to you!
Labels: Jaxon
Jazmyne's First Day of JOY School
GIVE me a Sec
GRRRR! I want to change my blog and make it all cute, but haven't gotten there yet. So just hang on. I have pictures coming faster than I can post. I just knew this was going to be addicting! and what a tragedy if I can't get to make a post. Well...I still haven't decided for sure on my webaddress....because it is so hard!!!! ANYWHO! I have some cute ones to post.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Jinaya Loves to Read
Labels: Jinaya