Jaythan Peter Sharp
Possible nicknames include: Jay, Jayjay, JP, Pete, Jeeps (JPS), hum?
Possible nicknames include: Jay, Jayjay, JP, Pete, Jeeps (JPS), hum?
Time: 3:01pm
Weight: 7 lbs. 9 oz.
Height: 19 in.
Hair Color: um? Blonde
Eye Color: bluish greyish
Weight: 7 lbs. 9 oz.
Height: 19 in.
Hair Color: um? Blonde
Eye Color: bluish greyish
Below that is the "Mommy Story" or story of Labor and Delivery (some are interested, some are not.) :)
Mommy Story
I went in to be induced at 6:30 am. They day before I had learned that they wanted antibiotics in my system at least four hours before delivery because of the positive GBS. (reason #1 to be induced.) My body was "ready", meaning I was dilated to a 3+ and "very soft". The "plan" was to get the "pit" and Epidural, then the Doc would come up and brake my water at noon (knowing things progress quickly after the "water breaking"). While we were waiting for the Doc, my mom asked if I wanted a blessing. Josh gave me a blessing right away and we had the wonderful experience of fullness in the room. It was incredible. The Doc came in at 2:20pm and broke my water. Then they quickly got everything ready. The baby's heart rate DROPPED to I think the 70's? (I really don't know). The doc had me lay on each side, then flip to all fours, (ha ha) not so easy. Then they called in the C-section team. He had me turn over to my back and I was dilated to a 9. He said,"let's push. You are ready." The baby's heart rate dropped because I had dilated so quickly and he wasn't quite ready. So We all PUSHED and Pushed. We did not stop pushing until he came out. Later my mom says "the nurse was all by jumping on me." She was pushing pretty hard too. By the time the Pushing started I was Sure he would be a boy with big Shoulders (Love you Daddy). So then Jaythan was born at 3:01. The cord was wrapped around his body.....I am picturing like a "beauty pageant sash"? But I really don't know. He also isn't really a crier and almost got slapped by the nurse because he wasn't crying. Mommy coaxed him a and he squeeked enough. It sure seems like a short story, but it was very scary for a few minutes. I just don't think I can portray the situation with words. I am so thankful for the Doctor being on alert and his knowledge of the situation that we could do this safely. Also for the nurse and her knowledge, she knew exactly what to do. I am glad that I didn't have a c-section but that the team and Doc were ready in case the situation came up. And Mostly thankful for all those who were there supportively, both physically and spiritually.
He looks like Jaxon..Cute cute. All your kids are so stinken cute.. Wish we lived closer so my girls could play with your girls..They would have lot's of fun.. I am glad you didn't have a c-section either..they HURT! Good Job and Congrats!!
We've been thinking about you all week! He looks just like the rest of your kids. How do your babies get so much hair?!? Congratulations!!!! And please let me know if you need anything.
Congrats, He looks like Jaxson. I am glad that you had a good experience and that everything went well. It truly is a spiritual experience. I am happy for your family. Are you going to the reunion with him? Both our babies will be so young, its hard to decide.
I hope you get the much needed rest. Good job!
congrats again he is adorable...
This is certainly an answer to prayers. Carey's Jennie Girl was born with the cord wrapped tightly around her body - Scarey situation for sure. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father's blessings upon you both.
Oh my gosh! JoDee, he is beautiful! He looks much older than brand new because he has a head full of hair! He is adorable. Congratulation! I'm glad there weren't any major complications; it sounds like there sure could have been! I'm glad you didn't have to get a c-section to! We'll come down and visit soon!
Weird, I commented but it didn't show up! Anyways, he is beautiful! he has a TON of hair! I'm glad everything worked well without many major complications; it sounds like there sure could have been! We will come down and visit soon!
Hi JoDee,
I don't know if you remember us but we were in your ward in Ephraim while we were going to Snow College about 2 years ago.
You family has all gotten so big! I remember sitting by you guys and your 1st daughter was so little and such a cutie! Now look at how the time goes by so quickly! You are welcome to check out our blog.
Congratulations on your newest addition he looks so handsome!
Congratulations! I really envy people that have babies that have hair. My kids are the baldest babies on the planet I am sure, which is cute in it's own way, but I would love to have that hair on my babes! Adorable!
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