Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

December 2010

Hello All!

We have had a busy year once again. Hasn’t everybody? We have spend the past few months trying to slow things down and enjoy each day we have together as a family. However, the hustle and bustle of the holidays sure has the Sharps going quickly from day to day again.

The beginning of the year seems like decades away. I can hardly recall what happened. We had our home under contract April 30th (yay! Finally!), packed up the house, and finished up school in May. June brought swimming lessons, cheer camp, basketball camp, packing and unpacking. After weeks of waiting, we finally had a place to move into. The home we live in now was being rented, so we moved into the basement first and by August we had filled up the home. What a blessing this has been for each member of the Sharp family. We are thankful for the many blessings of a home each day. I can really talk forever about the house, but you are welcome to visit, we have room!!!

Josh has been a very busy man with more household chores. Of course he is in heaven with all the work, chopping wood, building fires, (I think even mowing the lawn and trimming the trees). He even had to do most of the unpacking since two days (not kidding) after we moved in I started getting very sick. We were surprised to find out baby #5 will be here in early February. This has been my sickest pregnancy and I spent most of the summer in bed. With Christmas just around the corner, I have been put on a strict diet due to gestational diabetes. SERIOUSLY!!!! So far baby is doing fine. Josh is also “dieting” with me and that makes things a lot easier.

Jaxon is in 2nd grade and loves learning. He has grown quite a lot since the first of the year. He is no longer pinging off the walls all day long. Jaxon is excited to turn 8. He is excited to be baptized and more excited for scouts. The fact that both Mom and Dad are scout leaders seems to increase his excitement. He is becoming a great worker and helps whenever needed.

Jazmyne started Kindergarten this year. She loves school and learning all the new things about life. She is becoming a great reader and lately has been reading with her daddy. She has lots of friends in school and in our new neighborhood. Jazmyne is a great help with her younger siblings, although sometimes two mommies is too much. J

Jinaya is almost 4. As if the Sharp kids weren’t smart enough, Jina seems to be miles ahead of my plans. She surprises me daily with factual comments, letter names, and other over-her-head information. One would thing her mommy has taught her well, except in this case it is reverse. She is starting to adjust being the oldest at home, but she is still the “LITTLE SISTER”. Boo is the big sister. To argue with Jinaya is senseless. She always has very valid points.

18 month old Jaythan is FEARLESS!!! He climbs and jumps on everything! His favorite thing to do is climb onto the back of the couch or end table and jump to the couch. He has been doing this for the past 8 months. Nothing seems to stop him, not even a bloody nose. He loves basketball and football. Jeeps second favorite thing to do is sweep the floor. He is quite the daredevil, but has the most loving, caring spirit I’ve known. He is a “people person”, always concerned with others feelings.

Everyone has adjusted quite quickly to the new house and new friends. It is amazing the blessings that pour down when you put things into the Lords hands. We love this Christmas season when we constantly think of our Savior Jesus Christ, his birth, his life, his sacrifice. What a heart-warming privilege it is for each of us to have Him as our most precious gift.

We love you all!

Wishing you the happiest of holidays and the best of heaven in 2011.

For The Sharps, it already seems like the year is just beginning.

***BIG HUGS! ***

Josh, JoDee, Jaxon, Jazmyne,

Jinaya, Jaythan, and surprise baby #5


Wendy Jensen said...

It is so good to get a catch up post! AND don't worry, if you are wise with your diet, gestational diabetes can resolve after pregnancy. I had it when I was pregnant with Ashlee and have not had diabetic trouble since. However it is important for you to know that your dad, his two brothers and all of his first cousins on the Smith side have diabetes. Both sets of grandparents had diabetes. I am the only one of the grandchildren who doesn't. We have a very strong family predisposition to it. Take good care of yourself JoDee. I am so grateful you are expecting another baby. What a beautiful mom you are. Your children are blessed with a great dad as well. I am so proud of you. Love, Aunt Wendy

Wendy Jensen said...

It is good to read your Christmas blog and catch up a bit with you. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Ashlee. It resolved when the pregnancy ended and I have tried to eat well since (31 years ago now). All of your great grandparents on the Smith side had serious diabetes problems. I am the only one of your dad's siblings to not have diabetes. All of his Smith cousins have it as well so be aware that we have a very strong genetic predisposition to it. Take good care of yourself JoDee. Your family is very dear to me. You are a beautiful mother and your children are blessed with a wonderful dad as well. I am so proud of you. Love Aunt Wendy

Unknown said...

It's been a long time since I have been able to check blogs! I hate being so busy! Your Christmas letter is great; I need to be better about writing one each year. Next year I'll actually have something to say! :) I'm sorry to hear you have been real sick with this pregnancy; hopefully the diet will help! We definitely need to come down and see you guys soon... :) I hope your Christmas was great and you have a great New Year as well!