Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

December 2010

Hello All!

We have had a busy year once again. Hasn’t everybody? We have spend the past few months trying to slow things down and enjoy each day we have together as a family. However, the hustle and bustle of the holidays sure has the Sharps going quickly from day to day again.

The beginning of the year seems like decades away. I can hardly recall what happened. We had our home under contract April 30th (yay! Finally!), packed up the house, and finished up school in May. June brought swimming lessons, cheer camp, basketball camp, packing and unpacking. After weeks of waiting, we finally had a place to move into. The home we live in now was being rented, so we moved into the basement first and by August we had filled up the home. What a blessing this has been for each member of the Sharp family. We are thankful for the many blessings of a home each day. I can really talk forever about the house, but you are welcome to visit, we have room!!!

Josh has been a very busy man with more household chores. Of course he is in heaven with all the work, chopping wood, building fires, (I think even mowing the lawn and trimming the trees). He even had to do most of the unpacking since two days (not kidding) after we moved in I started getting very sick. We were surprised to find out baby #5 will be here in early February. This has been my sickest pregnancy and I spent most of the summer in bed. With Christmas just around the corner, I have been put on a strict diet due to gestational diabetes. SERIOUSLY!!!! So far baby is doing fine. Josh is also “dieting” with me and that makes things a lot easier.

Jaxon is in 2nd grade and loves learning. He has grown quite a lot since the first of the year. He is no longer pinging off the walls all day long. Jaxon is excited to turn 8. He is excited to be baptized and more excited for scouts. The fact that both Mom and Dad are scout leaders seems to increase his excitement. He is becoming a great worker and helps whenever needed.

Jazmyne started Kindergarten this year. She loves school and learning all the new things about life. She is becoming a great reader and lately has been reading with her daddy. She has lots of friends in school and in our new neighborhood. Jazmyne is a great help with her younger siblings, although sometimes two mommies is too much. J

Jinaya is almost 4. As if the Sharp kids weren’t smart enough, Jina seems to be miles ahead of my plans. She surprises me daily with factual comments, letter names, and other over-her-head information. One would thing her mommy has taught her well, except in this case it is reverse. She is starting to adjust being the oldest at home, but she is still the “LITTLE SISTER”. Boo is the big sister. To argue with Jinaya is senseless. She always has very valid points.

18 month old Jaythan is FEARLESS!!! He climbs and jumps on everything! His favorite thing to do is climb onto the back of the couch or end table and jump to the couch. He has been doing this for the past 8 months. Nothing seems to stop him, not even a bloody nose. He loves basketball and football. Jeeps second favorite thing to do is sweep the floor. He is quite the daredevil, but has the most loving, caring spirit I’ve known. He is a “people person”, always concerned with others feelings.

Everyone has adjusted quite quickly to the new house and new friends. It is amazing the blessings that pour down when you put things into the Lords hands. We love this Christmas season when we constantly think of our Savior Jesus Christ, his birth, his life, his sacrifice. What a heart-warming privilege it is for each of us to have Him as our most precious gift.

We love you all!

Wishing you the happiest of holidays and the best of heaven in 2011.

For The Sharps, it already seems like the year is just beginning.

***BIG HUGS! ***

Josh, JoDee, Jaxon, Jazmyne,

Jinaya, Jaythan, and surprise baby #5

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pictures 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mommy's Moment of Thought

I am blogging this just for me, so I don't forget. :)

Jeeps, Jina, and I were on our way to the doctor this morning. Jina decided she wanted to watch a movie and we were only a few miles away. "Can you see the temple?", I asked her trying to avoid the movie stuff. She looked desperately for a few moments. From a distance it is small, she was quite excited as the temple got bigger and bigger.

"You and Daddy got married there," said Jina. (it is quite common to have this discussion as we pass the temple. "....and I was there too," she added.
I replied, "when Daddy and I were sealed in the temple, you were in Heaven."
"I was there. I've been in there before, and you were there too. Me and You have been there before. I have been there with you."

I had no response, but instead thought about the times when I have been in the temple and felt the presence of a spirit who would be coming to our family. Although I can not decipher which child's spirit I have felt when, I do know they were preparing to come to our family. What a wonderful moment for me to reflect on today.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Biggest Decision Ever!

The answer to the biggest decision I ever made was the inner most desire of my heart. The struggle came from the outward, worldly desires and pressures. Why would anyone struggle against their own desires? I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who loves and knows me.

Lately a couple of people have said to me, "What a good Mommy you are." (well it could have just been my mom a few times) This is such a wonderful compliment and still I immediately think of all the things I ever do; bad and good, but mostly bad. I think I heard the phrase before conference to inspire the thinking and again yesterday to inspire the post. During General Conference the things that really stood out to me were about families, moreover the protection and teaching aspects. Even when President Uchtdorf talked about time, trials and the things that matter most. I felt really strongly about these precious children and the time we have with them.

It sure makes you feel the hustle and bustle of today's society when you think about that. I just felt the Holy Ghost reassure me "it's okay that my kids aren't involved in every good available activity." The most important time is what we have at home. During those times are when we become linked, knit, woven together. If you don't know, Josh and I had decided that our kids could do one extra activity starting at age 5 (provided the money is available) So far, it turns out Jax and Boo each have one thing one night a week for one hour. This is so wonderful!! I can say I know that football may cause a kink in the chain. My kids have never said to me "why can't I play Soccer or baseball when the city leagues come around, maybe because they've never been involved? But I, Me, the MOM, do sometimes get jealous of other families being so involved. What a stupid thing to be jealous over! It is at those moments I have that peaceful feeling "all is well". I wasn't even thinking about all that stuff when I started writing this, I guess sometimes things just come out anyway. ;)

Subject change for two seconds.... People always ask, "how do you like your house?" I usually say things like, "we love the space" or "my kids are in heaven", occasionally I will say, "we love the space it's bigger than what we had, but it isn't a huge house." Seriously like people can't hear the hint of negativity in there. I am sure at this point they are thinking, "Is she really complaining after where she was living before?" The thing is, I wanted a NEW Bigger 3000+ sq.ft. home. Really, I waited for that long can't I just have something newer. Keep in mind as you read that this was a purely internal struggle. I know that this home has been a HUGE HUGE blessing for my family. I seriously did not understand how it would feel. It feels like those times in your life when blessings are being poured down on you. (if you haven't had this before, you should take another look and count your blessings.) So I recognized the problem and addressed it in my prayers a day or two ago. My answer went something like this:

I was reflecting on my mom's comments from last night, "You are such a good mommy!" I thought there are things we give up to have something better. One of the biggest things I ever had to give up was a job. Working outside the home to help pay for things. There are so many things I loved about working. To name a few

  • Way more organized
  • Everything I did was for myself
  • sometimes it was to improve my mind and potential
  • sometimes it was simple tasks like keeping my own area clean (not 6 peoples areas)
  • I was able to have adult conversation
  • If I ran out of money, there was more coming in soon
I could list a lot of things that I really liked. When the decision to "quit" was discussed it was not light conversation. At the time I was having baby #2, we had been married 6 years, and had grown accustomed to a two person income. I had always wanted to be a stay at home mom and thought that would happen right away. When I had baby #1, I had to go back to work to make ends meet in our home. We had done it for so long that cutting off an entire income just wouldn't work. I went back part time 20 hours, then gradually that 20 became 25, and 25 hours became 30, and I kept picking up more. Why not? I was a good employee and I had the time. It was still a hard decision, even though it had been discussed and my husband was supportive, I had a rough time making the choice. The Prophets have counseled us on this subject and I knew what I felt was right. I really felt like Heavenly Father wanted to give me this blessing of staying home with my young children. He knows me! He knew then, and now, what the deepest desires of my heart were, are. With this choice to give up my job and additional income, I also gave up luxuries that cost money.

I chose to be with my kids over extra curricular activities, extra frivolous items, and extra sq. ft. on my house. (that makes my house sound small, it is the perfect size for our family.) I didn't realize at that point 5 1/2 years ago how much my kids would need me at home and how much the world is changing. 6 years ago, not everyone had cell phones, cell phones were just taking pictures and I don't think texting was very popular. That is just the phones, what does that say about the other advances in our lives, TV, music, internet, Satan's new temptations. This is WITHIN MY KIDS TIME! AHHH! Because I am home I can help my children with their homework, I do have the time for them to read to me, and to sit and listen, I do have the time to spend with each one individually on things they are struggling with, I do have the time to research on how to be a better mother, I do have the time for them. (even when I am sick in bed). I do have the time to throw together a last minute family home evening lesson, even when that means not doing the dishes for the night. I do have the time! Procrastination is a harsh temptation, but I try to remember I have the time. I also know that my kids are still young and little. As they get older and can make choices on their own opportunities, my time will be less and less. It is important to make the most of it.

So, that was that. I don't know if I even circled around to a point or not?

I want to say I know that some women have to work. I do realize your feelings and don't mean to hurt them. My own mother is the bread-winner in our home and my Dad works too. It is how their family works. My intentions for talking about this are always for the person who is struggling with the decision to quit work to be home with your family. I can't say I don't look back or there aren't times that I think about going back to a job, but I can say at those times I feel the Holy Ghost so very strongly reminding me how strong and powerful the spirit testified to me it was the right thing to do. I remember those feelings, I remember the spirit, I can not deny that. I really think Josh has the same types of internal feelings because if I mention to him, maybe I should find a job, he ALWAYS has a very firm "NO".

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Pampered Chef

I should also mention I am a consultant for The Pampered Chef and I can make a little extra money. I have made a commitment to never work this so much that it feels like a "job". When things start to get too busy, I usually back off pretty good. Lately I have enough stuff to do I haven't felt any pressure. ;)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Three Little Pigs - FHE

This was super fun and now I have ideas to use more Fairy Tales and such in my Family Home Evening lessons.

We had been wanting to dedicate our home for quite sometime. I could never seem to "get it together" enough to follow through. During the Women's Conference, I had this bright idea to base it around the 3 little pigs story. I am not sure why some inspiration strikes at certain times, but I am sure that it came out of the blue. (None of the speakers talked about this.) I read the story first. Book Version Here (The funnest part of this is "not by the hair on my chinny chin chin" and dramatic voice inflections) My idea was to talk about different types of homes around the world. You can find images everywhere on the Internet. We talked about houses around us. We talked about our "old" house and how we were happy there and we could have stayed there. On their own, the kids brought up the "blessings" in the new house (2 bathrooms, etc.) We talked about ways to take care of our home (pick up toys, not color on the walls, fix parts when they get broken, etc.) Josh also brought up the point about the "big bad wolf" and what types of things are bad like the wolf that could try and get in. (satan and temptation).

I really liked this and if I were to do this lesson again, I would definitely compare the parts of a strong brick home with things to protect our house from the outside world. The straw and stick homes could be things that are good, well adjust it to your liking. It would also be super cute to make houses with marshmallows and toothpicks or whatever for a treat. (but we were short on time.)

Back to us, Josh talked about the "Home Rules" and how we treat our family, then did the dedication. All of the was a bit much. For our activity, we Acted out the story of the three little pigs. We drew out the parts and lucky Daddy got the big bad wolf. This was the funnest part of the night.

So if you have done Fairy Tale Style FHE or When you do, let me know how it goes and things you did that worked better. :D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is 6 too many? Why not?

Well, first, just to clarify, I am NOT having twins. I was just thinking about stuff. Second, this isn't church doctrine as far as I know, it's just my thoughts and opinions, so please keep that in mind while you read.

I was pondering on having children and how many, etc. It isn't a secret that I've always wanted SIX. I was alone a lot as a small child and I always wanted my kids to have siblings. I know there are some who can't have children and who can't have very many even if they would like to, I do not mean to offend you as I talk about this. I understand your thoughts and feelings, I have had them myself and dealt with that too. Anyway, I was pondering on my future children and the pre-existence. My thoughts wandered to "Saturday's Warrior". I thought about the last little girl waiting in heaven and hoping that her family wouldn't forget about her. The movie portrayed world's view on "mormons" as having an enormous amount of children.

I reflected on those spirits waiting in heaven and even the ones who have come to Earth. How spiritually strong they are, how privileged they are, and more. These spirits have received many blessings in the premortal life and one is to come into a goodly home. There are so many worthy, righteous souls ready to come into this life and, by however means they have arrived in your home (birth, adoption, etc.), they have earned the blessings and rights to be in a goodly home. I quickly did a spiritual check.

Is my home what I would consider "Privileged"? What makes a home "privileged or goodly"? Are the things that I am doing right? What can I work on? How do I treat my family?

from feeling guilty because I have spent the majority of the time being sick, now I am feeling guilty because some of the so important small things are slipping through the cracks. I asked myself some more questions.

When I feel good, am I taking extra time with my children? When I feel sick, am I at least hugging and loving them? What are some things I am doing? Remember the sick times are what my body needs to care for one baby. Just because I am sick or laying down at times does not mean neglect. I think too much.

For a while now, I have been feeling that our children choose us. It is easy to think about myself choosing to come to my parents. They are incredible! It is harder for me to realize my children CHOSE to come to me. They chose to be a part of my family. What were they thinking? What did they see in me? What kind of potential do I have? I can always do better and I can show them why they chose me! What is it specifically I do to love you and meet your needs? One thing is never enough. I have been honored to be a mother. Loving your children is easy. Showing, Acting, Doing are things that can be difficult, especially during trials or changing times. Remember: My children deserve to come to a privileged home, they chose me (us). I (we) can provide a righteous home for them.

In my home, I also had some thoughts about marriage and going through life changes: keeping open communication, having the same family goals spiritually, growing together, etc. I know in the beginning, we generally have the same goals in mind, but sometimes the end results are lonely. In that case, I would have asked the same questions about a privileged home. We can only do what we can, the Lord is there to make up the rest if we have faith in him.

Does this mean I think everyone should stay married and have a gazillion kids? Of course! Wouldn't that be wonderful? I know the trials and blessings in this life do not allow that for everyone. I just was so excited to share with you what I felt about having a lot of kids. I didn't really mean to go off onto a tangent about the other things. So here's one more personal belief and we will leave it at that. How many children to have in your family is between husband, wife, and Heavenly Father. He will advocate for the children yet to come. You can decide together what you can handle.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Most Favorite Precious Moments

Here's One:

Last Friday, Josh had told the kids they needed to sleep in so we could actually sleep in on Saturday morning. They were tried really hard to hang out down stairs, but when one came up, they all trickled in.

Most precious to me was the time Josh and I were still in bed with the children gathered around or on the bed. We just talked and smiled softly. There was no nagging, no whining, no lecturing. I don't even know what we talked about. We shared the most precious thing, family love and bonding. It was genuine and so very special. The kids were drawn to be there. In those moments, I felt as if I took the time to actually feel gratitude for my most precious things. I am thankful for my family.

I know when I can take those special moments and really feel gratitude, love, genuine, etc., I can feel the Gifts of God being poured upon me.

It's Friday! WHAT?!

Warning: This is long. It is not required reading. I am not a writer, professional or other type. There was just a lot in one Friday. It was one of "those" days.

I woke up at 7am, determined to post this as my facebook status. "yay! Mommy gets to spend most of the day with my super fun mischievous monkeys." ha ha ha. Did not make the post. Instead, after the kids got back on the bus I laid down for a little while. The cute little monkeys were still sleeping. Needless to say whatever events transpired between 8-9 am, I had BLACK fingernail polish on my Carpet, and multiple colors on my two little monkeys. The little one (15 months) was the major cause. The bigger one (3.5) at least had her nail polish mostly on her fingers and toes. I think she may have even spilled a little and cleaned it up. I went running all over the house trying to find the carpet cleaner. (I am still not even sure where the cleaners are kept, but I know there was a full bottle last time I cleaned the carpet.) Whatever! I called Josh he said to try alcohol (not peroxide). I tried that it worked a little (not really). GRRRRR!! So my facebook post was this around 9:30. "help! how do I get fingernail polish out of the carpet?" I got a comment right away, but I didn't have whatever the stuff was. Anyway, the second comment was for Shaving Cream. Well Whatever! I had that, even if it was the gel kind I was definitely going to try it. Will a little scrub and repeat, IT WORKED! So keep that one in your bag of magic tricks! I didn't try fingernail polish remover because I had a bad experience with it taking the varnish off my table. I don't like that stuff to much. And Really RHE a RUG! You sound like my mom.

so Yay! House smells STRONGLY of fingernail polish and rubbing alcohol, when someone comes to my door. Mommy in her jammies (with her belly hanging out because everything is either too small or too big) hurries to find a little more to cover up with. By the time they get to the door the baby has a stinky diaper too. UGH! Mommy takes care of business, takes cares care of baby.

Mommy gets sick! REALLY! Just as things are settling back down, but still in the bathroom, someone calls and wants to come over for a quick visit. SURE! All is well. My kids still had and have fingernail polish on them and the bigger one is still in her jammies (this has to be a personal choice daily). Oh and don't forget to put the dog in the garage every time someone is coming over and let her out after they leave.

Mommy is ready for a nap, or at least a break to play on the computer for a while. I swear there was another big mess, but I've blocked it out by now. The Monkeys are their regular mischievous selves; fighting over crayons and markers, playing in the cupboards, jumping off the couches, etc. By 1:30, the little one goes down for a nap! YAY! and Daddy comes home for lunch. I hear the bus. The kids should be together Jaxon comes home. "Mom I didn't see Boo on the bus. I saw her at swimming. I saw her at lunch, but I didn't really see her when we were playing at the park." hum? It's okay Jaxon, I am sure she is at the school or got on the wrong bus. Mom calls the school looking for her daughter. At this point I am sure the Librarian is in a panic looking for her. After about 20 minutes, we get a call back. She got on the wrong bus and the super nice bus driver took her back to the school. The librarian tries to figure it out. Simply put, she was supposed to get on the same bus as she rides in the morning, but she gets home around 11am, on a different bus (the kindergarten bus with a supervisor). This is which one she got on. Not to mention her teacher doesn't teach in the afternoon so she wasn't there anymore. Seriously, at this point a mom with any type of brain would have simply planned to pick up her kids! Her Daddy picked her up, mommy still in rags. She didn't talk at all. Poor traumatized thing. She didn't say much to mommy, but simply got her lunch and finished it at the table. We talked with her while we ate and she seems to be her happy self again. I guess it happens. Kids have a snack, Daddy goes back to work, the little one is still asleep, the big ones are all good, Mommy lays down again and this time she crashes (well almost), the little one wakes up. He plays with the kids, Mommy lays down and sleeps.

Mommy can hear the kids outside, all is well. Mommy hears Jaxon tell the girls to stay out of the water. Way to go big brother. Mommy wakes up. I can't believe I fell asleep like that, I must be sick. Kids are still outside playing good. Mommy goes out to check. The little one is now a little muddy (remembering the water). I take out a sweater for the babe, but it turns out he was smelly again and ready to come inside. MMMWWAAAHHH! Kids are good. Girls are singing loudly outside, little one is eating a poptart which he got out of the cupboard himself. Did I mention I am ready for child locks! EVERYWHERE! I have never even used them before. UGH!

Kids are good, Mommy lays back down and plays her stupid stupid games. Daddy comes home FINALLY. he is late. Mommy can hear daddy, "What did you guys get into? What is all this, what are you eating? Is that chocolate in there? yuck. What is all this Red stuff? Jinaya stay out of stuff!" Mommy says, "I am sure it is the Nestle Quick and it was probably the little one." "Jeeps stay out of stuff." Daddy comes in to talk to mommy. Jina is eating something Chocolaty with a spoon, but I am not sure what is in it. "Probably water", Mommy says, "we are out of milk." "Oh we are almost out of milk." "No we are all the way out, we need to go to the store." Plans are made Daddy is ready to leave. "Will you take the little monster with you? Please Please Please, I've been with him all day." "That is what you signed up for Mommy" Guilty! Indeed and I do love them all. Ok. Dad calls from the other room. I can't take him he looks like a ....sentence didn't get finished, but with all the fingernail polish still grrrrr. Daddy leaves.

Mommy starts to blog. The monster sits right next to mommy and tears all of the things out of the garbage. *sigh* I will pick it up later. Monkeys get on mommy's bed. The little one jumps, falls off, and bonks his head. No kidding! Mommy holds him. Daddy calls. Mommy can't talk. Big sister, Boo, holds poor baby. He's all better.

Daddy calls again. "put the dog in the house, I am opening the gate, and tell the kids not to open the door." ok. Daddy comes home. Jinaya runs out to greet them. Nikki runs too, right out the gate. Daddy Growls A LOT! Dogs are barking, Nikki is running. Jaxon is whistling. (like that is going to work! Oh wait, she's coming back.) It must be for the kids. Nikki is coming back! It is like a miracle. She runs past the gate and past Jaxon. Dad goes after her up towards the neighborhood. Take Jaxon with you. Mommy hears them with in minutes all back safe and sound. It is 8:30pm. Is this day over yet?

I am sure as you read you thought to yourself, Mommy stay off the computer and those stupid games and you would prevent a lot! I agree so true! Being sick is so frustrating!

Happy Friday! ;-)

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Yippie!!! I was a little nervous! My kids were riding the bus this year and well.... I had debated over driving them to school on the first day or having them ride the bus. I decided to rip off the band-aid and send them. Even my KINDERGARTEN girl! She wasn't scared or nervous at all!
Her hair was also super cute...did not get a picture.

Jazmyne - Kindergarten

Jaxon - 2nd Grad

Awe! This is my Favorite (SERIOUSLY it's blurry!)

Not sure if you can even see my kids in these pictures.
They are the first ones on the bus.
Goodbye bus! And of course we were all up to see the kids off. :D What a day! We went to the store. Where was I supposed to go with a crying 3 year old who wants to go to school? Anyway as we drove past the college, she decided the Noyes Building was her school. We were in a hurry to get back from the store, mostly because I had no idea what time Kindergarten was over. We got here in okay time and the bus stopped, opened the door no kids got off. Then the bus left as the parents were running out the door. Um? Hello? Where's my kid? A couple of parents received a phone call that some kids didn't get on the bus. I found out that the bus driver only took one class of kids and left two still at the school (OOPS!) I debated on going to get her, but decided if a bunch of the class was still there she would be okay since the bus was going back to get the rest. I also found out later that the kindergarten bus driver had quite the day. First Day, New School, New Buses, NEW NEW NEW. (I am so glad the Office People and Staff made it past that day!) Anyway, we got our kids (there are four kindergarteners at our bus stop) and waited for Jaxon. Needless to say he had a great first day and got home without a hitch (at least what I know.) I should also say day 2, as far as buses was good for us. They have it all worked out now and things are running smoothly. A week later, the kids were happy to go back to school after the weekend.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Haircuts

The kids all received haircuts just before school and for a couple of them this was a first. I didn't take any pictures of Boo. I was almost prepared to cut it off and donate it. It would have been about 15-20 inches to cut it to her shoulders. Then I decided I just found some nice blogs for LONG hair and I would try them. She was pretty heartbroken, but we made a deal to cut it off on her birthday when she is 6. I guess if Mom can't keep her end of the bargain, Dad will take her. In the end she still had 5ish inches cut off! (it still goes to her bum)

Jaythan seriously needed a haircut! New people were cautious to whether he was a boy or girl. He did make a cute "skater" boy. Why is it just so hard to cut your baby's hair? And the curls?
Well there they go! He was such a good boy! He sat still the whole time.And I didn't even take an after photo, or a frontal photo. I know kick me! I am really trying to just get unblurry pictures. But I did snap this one while he was waiting for cake.

Sorry no smiles, all thumbs :D

Jinaya also had her hair trimmed for the first time (I think ever?)

Again, no after picture. Its still pretty long after the 3ish inches.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthdays 2010

So, I haven't blogged any Birthdays this year and now the Sharps have all had one in 2010. So here's a peek:

Mommy and Jina both turned the big 3 and 3-oh in January.
We shared a birthday cake in our favorite color PURPLE!

Jinaya gets lots of dolls for her birthday.
Pollys and Magnet Dolls (she calls them "fake dolls")
JoDee gets a Pilates Mat! YAY!

OK, Since Jina's Birthday is at the end of the month, we got another cake.
This time she picked out Batman!

Jaxon turned 7 this year.
He picked out lunchables for his birthday dinner
(at least they were a sandwich style.)
Mom made Jax a super yummy Chocolate Mint Ice Cream Cake!!!
Boo is 5!! She picked out her cake, and they had the perfect one!

Melissa and Emily enjoyed some cake and ice cream with us.Boo also got Pollys Yippie! The hiding Barbie Bike was her big surprise for the day.

Jeeps turns the BIG 1!

His very favorite treat are these yummy cookies, so that is what we had instead of cake.
and Daddy has one too! :D

Dad always gets the same gift every year,
the newest version of "Madden" for our best style of gaming technology.The smiley photo was blurry. ???

Happy Birthday JSHARP's!!!