Friday, August 14, 2009

FHN on Thursday :)


For the past 2 days Boo has been preparing a FHN for us during her playtime and coloring time. On Wed. was Josh's bday, so we forgot. Yesterday, however; Boo remembered at dinnertime. After dinner, dishes, and a quick clean up it was getting late. While Daddy was talking on the phone (FOREVER!!), Boo picked up the toys in the living room and her bedroom without crying! WOOT! WOOT! So I decided after all that hard work, we could at least listen to her family home evening. Josh needed a little convincing...but finally at 9:30 pm we sat down for an unforgettable FHN.

The first thing you need to know is Boo talks very FAST!! To the untrained ear she may be hard to understand. I had to ask her 3 times how she said FHE, because it is all smushed together and it changes everytime. So I settled on Family Hone Neeve Ning. She was in charge of all the elements this time. Boo has a shy side (sometimes?) and even in front of the family it is hard for her to get up and give the lesson when she is on the spot. I thought this was a big step for her.

We started opening with a family song, then the "conductor" gives the opening prayer. So Boo did this. I was totally impressed with her prayer as she included many things from Family to Toys to FHE to lessons to tags (she made us tags) to Family. It was a true childs prayer and I loved listening. Then she gave her lesson. Boo had us repeat after her as she "read" from her scriptures. "We - Are - A - Fam - Uh - Lee" and variations. (We have the children do this to make sure they are listening). Next Boo sang to us about Families and God and various church words. As many children do, she sang for quite a while. I reminded her she needed to do her lesson now and that she had talked to me earlier that day about John The..."Oh yeah, John the Bahtistimony." What a can of worms we opened. Daddy was laughing (quietly) and making cute jokes. Every time she said it he laughed harder. Remember Boo talks quickly. Boo did a great job!! I told her she needed to wrap it up and it was time for bed, so we had a closing song "Jesus came to John the Baptist" and then Daddy gave closing/family prayer.

Anyway, I thought Boo was too cute and wanted to blog about it so we could always remember.


The Cox Family said...

Cute! I love John the Baphistmony. You'll be so glad you got this down while it was fresh in your mind. It is amazing how moms forget the cute things we thought would be in our minds forever.