Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reading Rocks!

Last week we were eating some BIG, YUMMY peaches, and I mentioned to Jaxon I had read a book about a giant peach. I went into the school library and borrowed James and the Giant Peach. As we were walking out of the school, I showed Jaxon the book. He checked it out and started to get excited! All the way home he looked through the book and at all the great pictures trying to figure out what they are. (he must not have seen the movie?) We have been reading it every night since Monday. He is totally excited to listen to the story and go to bed. It is so awesome to see him have such a thrill over a story. We are just getting to the "good" part, James just walked into the peach. I can't wait to read The BFG to him (and Josh). They will love it. :D


Tiffini said...

So when you mentioned blogs today I kinda thought you must have one. Then I saw your blog on Jenny's. Hope you don't mind if I add you to my list?!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I'm glad he enjoys that story' I haven't read it but I loved the movie. That one I need to buy for sure!
What is BFG?