Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Here's To Good Days

All last week I was DREADING getting out of bed. I was getting soooo tired of exercising with no results. Every morning, I lay in bed talking myself into keep going. I told myself all of the great things, like yay! for 3% and feeling better, more energy, eating better, able to drink more water, and more energy. The list always comes back to feeling better with more energy. YES, I did tell myself this every SINGLE morning. I also tried to say well who needs energy. I decided I felt better on the inside when I exercised and I thought of my grandma saying, "Make yourself a Good Day!" So I guess if that is what is going to help me "make myself a good day, then I better stick with it." The nasty weight will come off sometime, but until then, I will "Make myself a Good Day" by starting it out right!

Well I am happy to say it works for me!


Wendy Jensen said...

I think I would really love to know your Grandma. "Make yourself a good day." Neat! And you keep to it JoDee. The main objective should be good health. I know because I have to give myself this pep talk all the time. I don't know why we focus on the body image rather than the health of it all in our culture but we do. I believe that if you focus on the health benefits from exercise and good diet, the results will come. You are an inspiration!

The Cox Family said...

First of all I was thinking today at church that you were looking great! Second of all, I had to be out of the house early on Friday and Saturday mornings (by 8 am) and didn't get to exercise and I noticed a HUGE difference (in a bad way). It helped me see how important that 20 min is. So, just keep doing it... it is so worth it.

p.s. I started doing the Biggest Loser diet too and now I am losing weight again.

Rheanna Bristol said...

Dont stop!! Keep going! It will take awhile, but the rock hard abs will come! If you exercise, they will come! :-)
Grandma is right!
Love ya, hope all is well!