Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Three Little Pigs - FHE

This was super fun and now I have ideas to use more Fairy Tales and such in my Family Home Evening lessons.

We had been wanting to dedicate our home for quite sometime. I could never seem to "get it together" enough to follow through. During the Women's Conference, I had this bright idea to base it around the 3 little pigs story. I am not sure why some inspiration strikes at certain times, but I am sure that it came out of the blue. (None of the speakers talked about this.) I read the story first. Book Version Here (The funnest part of this is "not by the hair on my chinny chin chin" and dramatic voice inflections) My idea was to talk about different types of homes around the world. You can find images everywhere on the Internet. We talked about houses around us. We talked about our "old" house and how we were happy there and we could have stayed there. On their own, the kids brought up the "blessings" in the new house (2 bathrooms, etc.) We talked about ways to take care of our home (pick up toys, not color on the walls, fix parts when they get broken, etc.) Josh also brought up the point about the "big bad wolf" and what types of things are bad like the wolf that could try and get in. (satan and temptation).

I really liked this and if I were to do this lesson again, I would definitely compare the parts of a strong brick home with things to protect our house from the outside world. The straw and stick homes could be things that are good, well adjust it to your liking. It would also be super cute to make houses with marshmallows and toothpicks or whatever for a treat. (but we were short on time.)

Back to us, Josh talked about the "Home Rules" and how we treat our family, then did the dedication. All of the was a bit much. For our activity, we Acted out the story of the three little pigs. We drew out the parts and lucky Daddy got the big bad wolf. This was the funnest part of the night.

So if you have done Fairy Tale Style FHE or When you do, let me know how it goes and things you did that worked better. :D


Wendy Jensen said...

What a great idea! FHE is the best!!

JENNY said...

This was such a cute idea. I bet you guys are loving your new house. I miss having two bathrooms a big kitchen and lots of room for my kids to play.Hopefully someday soon things will be different. But until then I'm grateful for what we do have. Thanks for being such a great example.

Tiffini said...

What a great idea, I'll have to save this for the future.