Saturday, April 18, 2009

Grandma's Toe

I am so thankful for Gramma's toe. I am telling this story without her knowledge, and it maybe removed if Gramma so chooses. :-)

I am thankful that during Gramma's baptism her big toe was poking out of the water, not only once, but twice. Although she went through a little bit of embarrassment, her three dunk experience has helped me and now Jaxon understand the meaning of immersion. I am also thankful that I subbed in a primary class a couple of weeks ago where the lesson was on Baptism and I recalled this information before I confused Jaxon trying to explain immersion with my pregnant brain.

Jaxon is giving a talk in Primary this week and one line he says is, "You need to go all the way under the water, even your big toe. That is called emershun." As of yet, he doesn't go into detail about Gramma. Jaxon chose his topic on his own. (He did not choose any of my ideas! I don't think this is going to change. :) He has prepared a great talk in his own words. We are so very proud of Jaxon. With a birthday to boot, he is growing up in every way.

We love you!


Rheanna Bristol said...

Oh how cute! It seems like its the funniest events of our lives, or others' life that teaches our kids the most. Good job Jaxon!

Wendy Jensen said...

I love the toe! Thanks Grandma q:)