For Christmas eve, we played some fun games with the kids. We did play hot potato, to the bible story in Luke Chapter 2, but the kids were so confused with what to do, we all just laughed. We had a lot of fun, and of course talked about the true meaning of Christmas and shared in the spiritual moments.
We had a fun Christmas at home. The kids got to stay in their new jammies all day long and play with their new toys. Although we did have a yummy ham dinner, Mom & Dad didn't do much either besides play guitar hero. We had lots of "pretend" Christmases this year that was also fun. The family got a new pencil drawing of the first presidency with the phrase, "Come Listen to a Prophets Voice"; a Family Home Evening board; and of course Guitar Hero.We are limited on our photos, but Boo wanted a Barbie Mariposa from Santa. I think this was partly Jaxon's idea, but Boo caught on quickly and that was all she wanted. She was also very observant of the cookies and milk we left for Santa. Boo's phrase of the day was "and Santa ate all the cookies but one."
Jina was such a cutie. I am not sure who opened her presents? She got a dolly. She was more interested in eating the candy out of all the stockings. Santa was smart not to get much chocolate, but Jina still seemed to out eat us all! Jina's phrase of the day: her mouth was too full to talk. :)
Jaxon had a great time at Christmas. He had 2 months to be excited. He wrote his list for Santa and changed it every time he saw something on TV. Santa brought two things on Jaxon's list (one was Snow pants), and Santa even brought some Lego's he just knew Jaxon would want. It was a new experience to be surprised, but Jaxon plays with his Lego's everyday. Jaxon's phrase of the day was "Sometimes Santa even brings you a surprise of something you didn't know you wanted."
We have truly enjoyed the humbleness of a small Christmas, and were greatly blessed beyond measure this holiday season. A Very big *HUG with tears* to all those Anonymous Angels who helped enrich our lives both temporally and spiritually in 2008.
We love you all!!! Hope you had as great of time as we did!!!
wood bed risers
2 years ago
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