I LOVE these two pages....She looks so at peace. And she was having so much fun! Thanks to Crystal Clark for snapping such Great Shots!!! Who is ThIS baby??? Her daddy didn't recognize her and her cubbiness. What a beautiful baby girl.
Yesterday Boo and Emily got LOST!!!! And there were sirens at Main Street. I was so panicked that they had walked down there and gotten hit. They are quite a pair! Em's mom and I were looking for half an hour And well Josh came home and I was really starting to wonder about calling the cops. We finally found them. In a neighbors "locked" yard. The neighbors were not home. When the neighbors did get home, I got a phone call....apparently they had gone into the house and out through the back door (they left it open). and poured sand in the pond and all kinds of mischief. Well you know, this has happened at our house while we are gone too. Needless to say our neighborhood will now be locking their doors because of a couple of 3 year old bandits! (yes we love living in a small town)
wood bed risers
2 years ago
I can so relate to the panic feeling when you cannot find your child. When Cameron was very young she seemed to disappear.
I had been folding clothes on the kitchen table and had walked back to the bedrooms to put things away. When I came to the front of the house she was gone.
I looked everywhere in the house twice over and called for her repeatedly. To that point she had not been able to open the front door but all I could think was possibly she had figured it all out and was gone.
After what seemed an eternity I called Claigh at work and mobilized the few neighbors who were at home in the middle of the day to find her. One had seen an unfamiliar beat up van drive through the neighborhood.
When I went inside to call the police, I first knelt down in the bedroom to plead with Heavenly Father to help me know what to do. As I got up and walked down the hall to the phone, I had a strong impression to open the closet door. This was a small linen closet, shelves filled with linens and packed full. I opened the door and there she was with her hand on the inside door knob, big eyes looking up with glee. Really there was just enough room for her body to stand upright smashed between the door and the shelves AND she had been still there for so long! Cameron was thrilled at her "hide and seek" success and I was tearfully relieved. These little ones are so precious.
I am grateful your sweet children have a mom and a dad who love them and care for them.
Love to you JoDee,
Aunt Wendy
So cute pages! I forgot I had taken those pictures; see, I told you you would scrap them sometime!
I'm glad you found them safe! Crazy girls!
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