Thursday, October 15, 2009

What's UP??????........... Dad's Feet

Are you kidding? Not when it comes to Josh!! He is such a goof......ha ha ha.....he fell back words in the recliner at Nana's house. ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"Very funny could you help me up?"

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Josh couldn't move from this position because his back was so sore and stiff after helping Mandy and Nick with their basement. OUCH!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Finally Uncle Jeff picks up Josh and the chair. Papa, can you stop taking pictures and help?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reading Rocks!

Last week we were eating some BIG, YUMMY peaches, and I mentioned to Jaxon I had read a book about a giant peach. I went into the school library and borrowed James and the Giant Peach. As we were walking out of the school, I showed Jaxon the book. He checked it out and started to get excited! All the way home he looked through the book and at all the great pictures trying to figure out what they are. (he must not have seen the movie?) We have been reading it every night since Monday. He is totally excited to listen to the story and go to bed. It is so awesome to see him have such a thrill over a story. We are just getting to the "good" part, James just walked into the peach. I can't wait to read The BFG to him (and Josh). They will love it. :D

Friday, September 25, 2009

Short Visit with Lyle and Some Pics

In the past few months we have made a couple of trips up north (West Point/Layton) to visit family members in the hospital. These pictures are from a weekend we spent visiting with Uncle Lyle. Josh was able to visit Lyle with Mom and Grandma Veibell. Then he helped Mandy and Nick with their basement for the night. His back was "oh so sore" after holding the sheetrock for the ceiling above his head, that he didn't do much over the next couple of days. We stayed until Tues. Josh and I took Jaythan and Jinaya over to visit with Uncle Lyle some more. Josh really enjoyed talking with him about stereos, HD, football, Nascar, Boating, and so much more. They really have a lot in common and Josh misses being able to spend more time with Uncle Lyle. It's too bad I didn't think to take pictures. :(

Jina and Jaythan

The family eats outside enjoying Nana's awesome table and chairs

Michael and Jinaya were so cute driving around in this truck!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


As a Pampered Chef Consultant I get asked if "I cook like this for my family everynight?" The answer was a couple of times a week. Well I am happy to admit I am cooking like this almost everynight. I love things that can get done in 30 minutes. I also like this that I can make with what I've got! After a while my cupboards have the same things...and so does our dinner table.

Anyway, I want to start a blog with all my friends (if you are reading this...that means YOU!!) Where we post our favorite recipes together. I love when people post the "what's for dinner" on Facebook..and well...I was going to blog it alone...but I like friends. Let's share. I have another blog. If you want me to add you to this so you can post to this blog leave me a comment.

happy Cooking!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

July 24th Weekend Fun

On the 24th of July we had planned to stay home and clean, but Dad got tired of that. We packed our bags and headed for Nana's. Before we left we recieved a surprise visit from Bret & Holly & girls. It was so great to see them!!!

We had a BBQ at Grandma Veibells on Saturday. We were glad to have Jeff, Katie, and Valo join us. (Mandy & Nick were on their way home from Hawaii!)

Jaythan and Grandma Veibell

Nana brought her Plasma cars and the kids (ha ha ha) raced on them. I don't know if those tall peeps could get them to go very fast?
Jaxon, Nana, and Valo

Jaxon, Nana, Jina, Boo, Katie, Valo

Jeff & Josh



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dress Up at Nana's

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 dun dun dun!!!!

I was referred to by a friend, Thanks Jeannie!! So I checked it out! I love it. I have had the run around with products at the local large mart, find a brand I like and then can't find it again! GRRR! They have the ones I like and if you spend $49 you get free shipping to your door in 2-3 business days. The prices seemed pretty comparable when you don't pay for shipping. You can also send in coupons!! (I have tons from $1.50 to $3.00). They have about anything you can think of from diapers to dressers, car seats, sippy cups, you name it and they have it. (I even saw some fertility vitamins or something for MEN and Women!) I got a case of diapers that will last twice as long for about $5 less than 2 large boxes available here. And for me less trips to the store are a savings. (I won't get extra junk.)

So for the good part once you register you will get a referral code and when you friends use it they will get $10 off their first order of $49 or more and you get $1 off every time it is used and it just keeps track of it. So my referral code is JSHARP10. Use it and you will get the $10 dollars off. I had in my cart $65 and only spent $55, I got a case of diapers (good for a month), sippy cups replacement thingys, 2 boxes of nursing pads, and some super cute Carter's Onesies (on Sale!). I just ordered so everything will be here by Friday!!

Anyway, I thought I would try it out. And you can pay with PayPal...wahoo all those sold ebay items can pay for diapers ha ha ha. Just kidding. Thanks again for the referral Jeannie, and I totally copied a lot of your post because I could soooo relate!!!

Oh Look, Here is the sample email they can send out for you.

Thought you might be interested in this website I discovered, They deliver diapers, wipes, formula and other baby necessities at really low prices with fast free shipping. They carry all the big brands and hard-to-find products too.

If you enter my email address or Referral Code on the shopping cart screen, you'll get an extra $10 off your first order of diapers. And I'll get a $1 credit each time you order. It's a great way we can both save!

My Email Address:
Referral Code: JSHARP10

Check it out at

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bean Bag Fun

While visiting Nana, Daddy Gave the girls a fun idea to go down the stairs on the bean bags.

Boo is under the bean bag, Bella is on top with blue shirt, and Jina is sitting at the top of the steps.

The bean bags didn't quite slide down the steps. They got stuck in the ruts.

But the girls had a blast anyway!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of First Grade! WOOT!

Tah-Duh! Jaxon's First Day of First Grade!! He was excited to go in the Durango (notice the wheels). On Friday Jaxon came home from Gramma's and we went to the school to find his classroom and meet his teacher, Mrs. Oliver. He snooped around a little, then was ready for Monday!

He looks a little nervous, but I don't think he was.....Jaxon had to hold the smile forever before the camera clicked! Also all the kids were awake to see Jaxon off to school. They were excited too.

I think one of the most exciting parts for Jaxon was his new shoes!!! They are "Skatchers." "They are so comfortable. Good thing you got these for me for school mom."

"Enough with the pictures" is what Jaxon was thinking I am sure. But he was a good sport. He didn't get lost or nervous or anything. He is getting so big. Mommy had to remind herself to "Buck up" as she left the school. (I wanted to cry, although I am not sure why. I wasn't like this for Kindergarten.)

Some of Jaxon's most memorable first day moments are:

"On Monday's we get two recesses AND all the rest of the days we get THREE Recesses!!!!"

"We have real "tater toters" they are metal" (and a whole bunch more story I didn't get because we were laughing everytime he said "tater toter" for "Teeter totter")

Jaxon also thought it was cool to eat lunch at school.

What a great Kid! I am so glad he had a great first day.

Friday, August 14, 2009

FHN on Thursday :)


For the past 2 days Boo has been preparing a FHN for us during her playtime and coloring time. On Wed. was Josh's bday, so we forgot. Yesterday, however; Boo remembered at dinnertime. After dinner, dishes, and a quick clean up it was getting late. While Daddy was talking on the phone (FOREVER!!), Boo picked up the toys in the living room and her bedroom without crying! WOOT! WOOT! So I decided after all that hard work, we could at least listen to her family home evening. Josh needed a little convincing...but finally at 9:30 pm we sat down for an unforgettable FHN.

The first thing you need to know is Boo talks very FAST!! To the untrained ear she may be hard to understand. I had to ask her 3 times how she said FHE, because it is all smushed together and it changes everytime. So I settled on Family Hone Neeve Ning. She was in charge of all the elements this time. Boo has a shy side (sometimes?) and even in front of the family it is hard for her to get up and give the lesson when she is on the spot. I thought this was a big step for her.

We started opening with a family song, then the "conductor" gives the opening prayer. So Boo did this. I was totally impressed with her prayer as she included many things from Family to Toys to FHE to lessons to tags (she made us tags) to Family. It was a true childs prayer and I loved listening. Then she gave her lesson. Boo had us repeat after her as she "read" from her scriptures. "We - Are - A - Fam - Uh - Lee" and variations. (We have the children do this to make sure they are listening). Next Boo sang to us about Families and God and various church words. As many children do, she sang for quite a while. I reminded her she needed to do her lesson now and that she had talked to me earlier that day about John The..."Oh yeah, John the Bahtistimony." What a can of worms we opened. Daddy was laughing (quietly) and making cute jokes. Every time she said it he laughed harder. Remember Boo talks quickly. Boo did a great job!! I told her she needed to wrap it up and it was time for bed, so we had a closing song "Jesus came to John the Baptist" and then Daddy gave closing/family prayer.

Anyway, I thought Boo was too cute and wanted to blog about it so we could always remember.

By The Way..Where's Jaxon?

BTW...Jaxon has been at Nana's then Grama's for 2 weeks...we sure miss him. When Grama was talking about when he would come home, she told him there was 20 days until school started. Jaxon said he would stay 20 days. Then he thought for a moment, "I've decided I should stay for 19 days." Over the next few days Jaxon and Gramma came up with another plan that brings him home tomorrow. Gramma called this morning to tell me Jaxon is excited to come home! (Although I think he is more exited for school and not a bit homesick! I can't believe he is growing up!)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Baby Bruder at 2 months

"MOM!, Baby Brother is drinkin' his thumb!," exclaimed Boo.

At his 2 month check-up Jaythan was in perfect shape! :)
11 lbs.
23 1/4 inches

What a Sweetheart!! Oh how we love our Baby Brother. He loves people and listening to them talk. Jaythan is starting to smile and coo. The kids are constantly working on getting smiles out of him. Mommy has a watchful eye over Big Sister Spook (Jina)....but to embarrassed to tell the scary things little ones come up with. (I am sure most of you know.)

I took these photos today, he has been working so hard to suck his tiny thumb. Jay doesn't like binkis. His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue. He has a permanent Mohawk (thanks to two perfect callics) and it goes perfect with his adorable face. He is mostly happy (especially when people are around). Jaythan loves to be held and he loves to go to the movies. Crazy Mom and Dad have taken Jaythan to a few movies this summer (Harry Potter, Transformers, and others on opening weekend). Jaythan was only 3 weeks old for Transformers and 6 weeks for Harry Potter. He was so funny and preferred to "watch" the movies. Jaythan is sleeping well and is such a good baby. When asked if my others were "this good", my response was "Of Course!" I love all my wonderful kids!


It's a bummer all the photos came out a little blurry. No it isn't your screen. Anyway I just thought Boo looked beautiful, the only thing missing is her smile! Love you Boo!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Jaythan's Baby Blessing

Jaythan was blessed on August 2nd, 2009 by his Daddy in Ephraim. :) Friends and family came and we took lots of pictures. At 2 months old, Jaythan weighs about 11 lbs. He is starting to smile and notice things more. He really enjoys being around lots of people and listening to them talk. We all had a great day.

Grandpa Jack, Daddy, Uncle Nick

Braydon, Jennifer, Grandpa, Justin, Daddy
Nellie, Grandma, Jaythan, Mommy, Jinaya
Jaxon, Boo

After a late church and long afternoon, the kids weren't too happy about getting pictures. So we all decided to cry too! (or some of us.)

Great Grandma Veibell, Jaythan, Daddy, Nana

Auntie Mandy, Clair, Uncle Nick, Michael, Nana, Jaythan, Papa Rob

Nana & Papa

Grammy & Grampy

The girls were cryin' but when it was time to holding baby brother,
they were happy again! Oh Boy! Do we love him!!
Jaythan, Jinaya, Mommy

Jaxon & Jaythan

Jaythan & Jazmyne (Boo)